Zend Optimizer is a tool, that is required to run files protected with Zend Guard - a widespread application which is employed to encode PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 files with the objective to protect them from tampering with the program code or reverse engineering. Zend Guard is used by numerous corporations that develop paid script applications, so in case you acquire such an app for your website, you'll probably need Zend Optimizer to be available on the server where you'll host it. In case you're a programmer, you may also use Zend Guard to protect your program code and ensure that your website visitors or clients won't be able to alter it in whatever way. Sites which use Zend Optimizer often perform better due to the fact that their PHP code is precompiled, thus it's already optimized and will be executed quicker.

Zend Optimizer in Shared Hosting

All the shared hosting accounts that we offer are set up on our advanced cluster platform and Zend Optimizer is present on all servers that are part of the clusters. As a result, you are able to set up and execute script-driven applications that require Zend irrespective of the package that you pick upon signup. The intuitive Hepsia Control Panel which is included with the accounts shall make the management of your online presence a breeze and activating Zend Optimizer is not an exception because it'll take only a single click to do it. Furthermore, more experienced users can also put a php.ini file in a particular domain folder and activate Zend just for a particular domain name. Because you can switch between a number of PHP releases, you'll be able to enable Zend Optimizer for any of them in exactly the same way and run both new and older apps within the same account.